Reviews and Share

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Best 3D Printer, Dremel 3D40-01 Idea Builder 2.0 3D Printer, Wi-Fi Enabled

Dremel 3D40-01 Idea Builder 2.0 3D Printer, Wi-Fi Enabled When you purchase a Dremel 3D Idea Builder, you are getting more than just a 3D printer with software and filament. You are also getting world-class 1:1 customer support, mentorship, curriculum-based lesson plans and peace of mind with UL certification and the industry's best...
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MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer

Add to the collection of 3D printers that I have seen is MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer: The MakerBot Replicator 2 is a desktop 3D printer that prints high quality models with layer reslution of 100 microns. The MakerBot Replicator 2 has been optimised for printing PLA plastic only with a larger build area meaning you can...
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DIY RepRap Prusa I3 3D Printer Kit

Since 2012 in Berlin, Mr. Josef Prusa RepRap introduced at a conference on expansion. He was very proud of this product. But then, they have found flaws in the original patent of this product and they have perfected it. They have improved the overall quality of its printing, making it easy to use...
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Best price 3D printer, XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0 AiO All-in-One 3D Printer (Scan/Edit/Print)

Scan: XYZprinting’s da Vinci All-in-One (AiO) 3D printer features a rapid scanner which scans objects in industrial grade resolution in just five minutes! Our high-tech laser sensor technology and our turn-table print bed drastically save you time on getting your very first print starte...
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Dremel Idea Builder 3D Printer Review

Dremel Idea Builder 3D Printer In this post I want to focus on the Dremel 3D printer. I've used a Printrbot for several months and have been very happy with it. It's definitely a hobbyist/hacker machine. Many people choose to build a Printrbot from a kit, not just to save money, but also to (forgive me) build one's own lightsaber....
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XYZprinting Da Vinci Jr. 1.0 3D Printer

XYZprinting Da Vinci Jr. 1.0 3D Printer  This is a really easy printer to use. The biggest caution I have is ignore the message that says "This printer is pre-calibrated". It's a lie this printer requires calibration pretty often to get decent prints. The other trick is to make sure there are no "boogers" on the extruder head when...
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The ROBO 3D R1 Plus Fully Assembled 3D Printer

The Robo 3D Printer is a very good printer but because of it's rather low price, It needs a bit of upgrading and modding because there are a few issues connected with the X axis and the Z axis. ...
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Review FlashForge 3d Printer Creator Pro, The Best 3D Printer

I'm don't think I have the techological mind to review this charming printer professionally, but I can share my experiences, from a designer's aspect... :) I came to know this machine after a small experience in 3D printing (I once rented an UP 3D printer for a week). I've decided to buy a printer after taking a course in SKETCHUP, and...
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FlashForge 3D Printers New Model: Finder

FlashForge 3D Printers New Model: Finder Speaking of 3D printing technology, surely you will know to FlashForge, because it is a very famous brand. Experts production has not stopped researching, improving and perfecting their products. 3D Printers FlashForge New Model: Finder also be launched from there, to meet the expectations...
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