Here we have a 3D printing software that’s both wonderfully easy to use and refreshingly different. With 3D Slash, you design 3D models using a simple building-block concept.
Either start with a huge block and remove small cubes using tools such as a hammer or a drill, like a virtual stone-cutter, or begin with an empty workspace and build your model by adding cubes or shapes. You can also add colors and use images as templates.
Other features include a logo and a 3D text maker. The logo maker imports an image and creates a 3D model while the text maker allows you to enter and format text and turn it into 3D text.
Highly recommended!
Download: 3dslash.net
Price: Free
System: PC, Mac, Linux, Web Browser
Learn More: ALL3DP review of 3D Slash plus a 3D Slash tutorial that takes you from beginner to expert.
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